House Freedom Caucus Chairman Good says Turner should no longer be chairman of Intel committee

Good says it would be a "colossal failure" to reauthorize FISA without an up-or-down vote on amendments

Rep. Bob Good, chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said on Friday that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner should no longer remain as chair of the committee.

"I do not think he should remain as chairman. I don't think he should remain as chairman because of what he's trying to do to reauthorize FISA without the appropriate reforms to protect the American people in terms of their, again, most precious basic constitutional rights," Good said during an interview with Just the News on Friday. "We have a constitution that limits what government can do."

He continued, saying, "The position of the Intelligence Committee is in direct contradiction to that; direct violation of that. We've seen it abused ever since FISA was first put into place and with growing frequency."

Good said Turner is part of the reason the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) vote was delayed on Thursday, because his committee threatened to block the legislation from coming to the floor if they had to vote on amendments related to ending the warrantless surveillance of Americans.

Turner released a public statement on Wednesday about a unnamed national security threat and asked Biden to declassify information related to it. Good argued that the move was "intended to try to pressure or persuade members to vote for more power for the intelligence community" and reauthorize FISA.

Good said it would be a "colossal failure" to reauthorize FISA without an amendments process. He called on House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., to support allowing amendments. 

"We must bring those amendments to the floor for a vote, we must get members on record. And it would be a terrible failure of leadership if we didn't do it," he said.