Venerable conservative magazine National Review: 'McConnell needs to step aside'

McConnell is the longest-serving party leader in the history of the Senate
Mitch McConnell, July 19, 2023, Washington, D.C.

The National Review, the conservative opinion and news magazine founded by author William F. Buckley Jr. in 1955, is calling for Sen. Mitch McConnell to "step aside" from his post as Senate minority leader, the chamber's top Republican. 

The call follows a series of falls the 81-year-old Kentucky lawmakers has had in recents months and two incidents in recent weeks in which he suddenly froze while speaking in public, including an incident Wednesday. 

McConnell is the longest-serving party leader in the history of the Senate.

"Mitch McConnell is truly a legend of the U.S. Senate. He’s been one of the most effective leaders in memory, he deeply understands and cares about the institution, and he’s had an outsized influence on his party for decades now," the magazine editors wrote Thursday. "But the time has come for the Kentucky senator, after his long, impressive run, to make the decision to step aside from leadership."

Dr. Brian Monahan, the attending physician for the U.S. Capitol, said Thursday that he told McConnell that he is "medically clear” to continue to work.

Monahan said he consulted with the senator, conferred with his neurology team, the decided McConnell is "medically clear to continue with his schedule as planned.” 

“Occasional lightheadedness is not uncommon in concussion recovery and can also be expected as a result of dehydration,” the doctor also said, according to NBC News. 

McConnell's fall and concussion in March sidelined him for nearly six weeks, NBC also reports.