Group of former Trump staffers sues Ohio county over Dominion Voting Systems equipment

A nonprofit group run by former Trump administration and campaign staffers on Tuesday filed a lawsuit against the Stark County, Ohio Board of Elections regarding Dominion Voting Systems equipment.
The Look Ahead America lawsuit alleges the election board violated open meetings laws when members decided behind closed doors to purchase the Dominion equipment.
The election technology company has frequently been at the center of controversy related to allegations of widespread voting irregularities in the 2020 elections. Dominion has aggressively fought back against such allegations, including filing multibillion dollar defamation suits against those making such allegations.
"The process engaged in by the Board of Elections was not transparent and open to the public," LAA Executive Director Matt Braynard said.
Braynard claims that election officials before voting on the contract with Dominion excluded the public for 18 minutes of their discussion, in violation of open meetings rules.
"Nothing necessitated the public's exclusion," Braynard said. "And for the next months thereafter, they continued to exclude the public when discussing the contract with Dominion."
LAA says its suit attempts to ensure any voting system purchase relies on open-source software to "restore trust" in the state's elections.