Juror in Parkland shooter murder trial felt threatened by fellow juror, judge asked to investigate

In a court document, a motion, Florida prosecutors ask the judge to compel law enforcement officers to interview the juror making the allegation. 
Nikolas Cruz in court, Aug. 24, 2022

A juror in the trial for Parkland school shooter Nicholas Cruz reportedly says they felt threatened by another juror, which has resulted in prosecutors calling for law enforcement to interview the juror.

CNN is reporting the allegation, which the news outlet said it found in a court document it obtained. 

The allegation was made amid the jury on Thursday having recommended life without parole for Cruz, who pleaded guilty to killing 17 students and staff members in a 2018 shooting spree at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Florida.

In the court document, a motion, Florida prosecutors ask Judge Elizabeth Scherer to compel law enforcement officers to interview the unidentify juror who made the allegation. 

"Juror X spoke to a support staff member and informed the support staff member that during deliberations she received what she perceived to be a threat from a fellow juror while in the jury room," CNN reports the filing states. "The State did not call Juror X back and instead, filed a Notice to the Court."

The motion is among several indications of tense jury negotiations on sentencing for the 24-year-old Cruz, including that three of 12 jurors opposed the death penalty in the case.