General who oversaw Afghanistan withdrawal calls Biden strategy ‘serious mistake’

"I have a lot of regrets about how it ended,”  retired Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie says.
Gen. Frank McKenzie spoke to reporters via video

The U.S. general who oversaw the bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan says he believes the Biden strategy was a “fatal flaw” that will have historical consequences.

“I have a lot of regrets about how it ended in Afghanistan. I have a regret with the basic decision, which I think was the wrong decision,” retired Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie told Fox News in an interview that aired Saturday.

“And I particularly regret that we did not choose to begin to evacuate our people, our embassy personnel, our American citizens and our at-risk Afghans at the time we made the decision to bring in our combat forces. I think that was a serious mistake, and I think that led to the events of August 2021 directly," he added.

The former head of U.S. Central Command aid such mistakes will have lasting consequence.

“I believe history is going to view the decision to come out of Afghanistan in the way that we did and the manner that we were directed to come out as a fatal flaw," he said.

While blunt and regretful, McKenzie strongly disputed a Marine sniper’s allegation that U.S. officials had the description of a suicide bomber but refused to allow him to be shot before he detonated a bomb killing 13 troops and wounding scores of others.

"We were dealing with the possibility of a suicide vest attack but without specific description of the person," McKenzie said