Brady to Biden: '40 percent of the people still don't think we won. You understand that'

NFL quarterback told Biden that he forgot the down count just once in 21 seasons, but teammates still started calling him "Sleepy Tom."
Tom Brady

NFL star quarterback Tom Brady joked Tuesday about voters doubting the results of the 2020 presidential election and about the nickname former President Trump gave President Biden during the campaign.

Brady cracked the jokes at a White House event with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers celebrating their Super Bowl victory.

"Not a lot of people think that we could've won [the Super Bowl]. In fact, I think about 40 percent of the people still don't think we won. You understand that, Mr. President," Brady said during his speech at the ceremony.

"I understand that," Biden said in response.

Brady also referenced the "Sleepy Joe" nickname Trump gave his 2020 rival.

"We had a game in Chicago where I forgot what down it was, I lost track of one down in 21 years of playing, and they started calling me 'Sleepy Tom.' Why would they do that to me?" he said to laugher from the audience.

The Buccaneers presented Biden with a number 46 jersey at the event.