Evan Sayet: 'Woke supremacy,' tech censorship is like Nazi, Communist cancel culture
"These days, you don't need to destroy the businesses of 'the other' like they did on Kristallnacht," suggests comedian/conservatice commentator Evan Sayet. "You can simply write a line of code and demonetize them." Evan Sayet said, who is a comedian and author of "The Woke Supremacy: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto."
To Evan Sayet, "woke" cancel culture is a totalitarian, supremacist movement in a modern, post-industrial guise.
"One of the reasons that it is so hard to accept the fact that the woke is a supremacist movement," Sayet told the John Solomon Reports podcast, "is because we tend to associate the supremacist movements in the past — like Nazi Germany, or Stalinist or Leninist or Maoist, Russia and China — with their atrocities. But what was so important about what [George] Orwell wrote was that he recognized that the things necessary for a cancel culture in the past were those atrocities because they were the technologically primitive tools available to cancel cultures in the past.
"Orwell's genius was found in his recognition that technology would become the new gulags, would become the new gas chambers — a far less ghastly, a far less bloody means of silencing all others. But nowadays, you don't need to release the hounds to keep 'the Other' in place. You can hound them on the internet."
"You don't need to put 'the Other' into ghettos any longer, because with the censorship that you're talking about, they can now electronically penalize us," explained Sayet, author of "The Woke Supremacy: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto."
"The purpose of putting the Jews into ghettos," he continued, "was to remove their voice from the community so that they could not disprove the hateful narratives of the supremacy with their humanity. Well, the left is able to accomplish this without putting us into physical ghettos now. They can remove our voice so that we cannot disprove hateful narratives about us with our presence online."
Sayet gave a brief history and explanation of the woke supremacist movement in America.
"The claim that the woke use that they were responsible for the civil rights advances of the '60s and '70s is exactly not true," he said. "The founders of the woke supremacy, the radicals in the '60s, opposed equal rights. They didn't want equal rights, because equal rights would've unified the nation, and they declared that they sought a revolution. Well, when you want revolution, you seek to divide and conquer.
"Which is why, when the radicals came along in the '60s — and they could have joined with and affiliated with and given their resources and their time and money to the party of abolition, they could have given it to the party of women's suffrage and the then-recent 1957 Civil Rights Act — they didn't join with the Republican Party. They joined with the party of George Wallace, segregation, slavery, and Jim Crow. Why? Because it didn't matter to them — whether they were white supremacists, and George Wallace made whites hate blacks, or they were Malcolm X supremacists, and they made blacks hate whites — just so long as Americans hated each other. So the co-opting of the civil rights movement, and the notion of the parties flip-flopped is just absolutely the opposite of the truth."
Sayet compared woke supremacy to other supremacist movements, and added that those who oppose it must face the reality of this supremacist movement.
"We do not need collegial," he said. "We do not need people who go along to get along, we need to recognize what's at stake: We are up against a supremacy."
"The definition of a supremacist movement is that they believe all rights, privileges, and protections belong only to those who possess a certain trait," Sayet explained. "So in Nazism, that trait was Aryanism. If you possess that trait, you are entitled to all the rights, privileges, and protections of Nazi society. If you didn't, not only were you not entitled to these things, but it was a moral imperative that they use their resources to disempower and silence all others."
While Americans "tend to think of supremacist movements in terms of race ... most supremacist movements are not race-based," Sayet said, noting that, for example, Marxism is based on class, and Islamism is based on creed.
In "the Marxist supremacist movement ... If you possess the supreme trait of proletarianism, you're entitled to all the rights, privileges, and protections of Marxist society," Sayet said. "In the Islamic supremacist movement — like ISIS and Hamas, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda, the ayatollahs in the land — if you possess the supreme trait of extreme devotion, before sixth century Muhammad — in other words, it's not race, it's not class, it's creed — you're entitled to all the rights, privileges, and protections of society.
"Well in the woke supremacy, only the woke are entitled to free speech, only the woke are entitled to freedom of assembly, only the woke are entitled to due process, only the woke are entitled to have a job. So, of course, it's a supremacist movement, the big difference being that they're more technologically advanced than the supremacist movements that came before them."
Sayet said that people can fight back against woke supremacy by investing in the entertainment industry, even though conservatives tend to believe it is not financially lucrative.
"The solution is to have people ... who recognize where we are, and to think of it less as a bottom line investment, and more as an investment in America's future," he argues. "Because without a countervailing voice ... it's only gonna get worse.
"The thing about supremacist movements is they don't stop until they are stopped. So the idea that we might be able to wait this out, the idea that we might be able to appease them, the idea that we might be able to make some kind of deal with them, is just something we've got to get out of our heads.
"We can no longer allow them to cow us. We can no longer be afraid for our jobs, we should now be afraid for our lives. We should no longer be afraid, though you'll lose friends, we should be afraid that we're going to lose our freedoms. And we need to speak out. You know, again, the reason Hitler put the Jews in ghettos was their voice countering their narrative. Well, when we don't speak up, we are doing their job for them, because we're ghettoizing ourselves."