Former Democratic congressional candidate Barrington Martin II opposes critical race theory

Martin wrote that "Democrats are working overtime to keep race ideology alive and well."
Democratic donkey symbol in Virginia in 2016

Former Democratic congressional candidate Barrington Martin II said that critical race theory has been useful to Democrats who want black Americans to think that racism abounds in modern day America.

"And yet, at a time when Americans have never been more united about the evils of slavery, Democrats are working overtime to keep race ideology alive and well," he wrote in a Newsweek opinion piece. "Most recently, this life support for race ideology comes in the form of critical race theory, which aims to shine light on America's infamous history of racism. But the fact of the matter is, beyond what for some is a noble aim, critical race theory is big business, and it's provided valuable political capital to Democrats wishing to keep Black Americans believing in the omnipresence of racism."

Martin previously ran as a Democrat in a special election in Georgia's 5th Congressional District and in a Democratic primary for the same district, though he didn't win in either case.

"Race has always been the crown jewel used by Democrats to galvanize Black support. The Democrats constantly and consistently remind Black Americans that race is a barrier to their progress, and that they are the answer to this problem," he wrote. "But the GOP never takes the time to defend itself from these attacks. Republicans don't spend the time in our communities to show why they are the better political party to support. Therefore, the cycle of empty Democratic support continues, and Black Americans suffer.

"Critical race theory is the latest iteration of this vicious cycle. Worse, it adds in an element of divisiveness that sets our kids up for failure. Black children will learn to resent white children based on history viewed through a racial lens, and white children will learn to dislike who they are or be resentful of being told their skin color makes them inherently tyrannical," he wrote.

Martin pointed to instances of black parents speaking out in opposition to critical race theory, and said that people should be listening to what they have to say, but not to "Democratic operatives and their representatives on the mainstream media."