Joke anti-Biden song 'Let's Go Brandon' goes viral, hits #1 on iTunes hip-hop chart
“Let’s Go Brandon” has been a meme sensation for weeks

The joke anti-Biden song "Let's Go Brandon" is currently trending #1 on iTunes's hip-hop chart, a jocular but embarrassing slight against the Biden administration that has been ongoing for several weeks.
The meme "Let’s Go Brandon" stems from a NASCAR sportscast in which a group of fans could be heard intoning the vulgar chant "F--- Joe Biden." Reporter Kelli Stavast mistakenly claimed that the crowd was chanting "Let's Go Brandon” in support of driver Brandon Brown.
Rapper Loza Alexander subsequently made a hip-hop mash-up of the chanting crowd; the song has since skyrocketed to the top of iTunes’s hip-hop rundown.
The slogan has also appeared on merchandise throughout the country and has become a staple on social media.