Moms for Liberty plans to alter transgender tweet to stay on social media platform

California would be a sanctuary state for transgender youth
Transgender child, June 30, 2019, New York City

A leader of Moms for Liberty said Monday the parental-right advocacy group will amend a tweet that resulted in its account being suspended, despite not knowing exactly why the post got the group kicked off the social media platform.

"What I've asked Twitter was please tell me how the tweet was hateful," group co-founder Tiffany Justice said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "They don't seem to have any answer for that. I think because there isn't one."

Justice described Twitter as the "town square" of social media and its importance for getting information out.

"We really worked to embrace the best of social media, and there are a lot of great things we found that come from that town square," she said.

The account was suspended this past weekend following a tweet that criticized a California gender transition bill. 

"Gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder that is being normalized by predators across the USA," reads the offending tweet. “California kids are at extreme risk from predatory adults. Now they want to “liberate” children all over the country. Does a double mastectomy on a preteen sound like progress?”

Justice also said Monday: "I'll probably go forward and delete the tweet and rephrase it in some way and see if I get slapped down again. It doesn't seem to be, you know, that there are any rules or norms that we can follow here.”

The bill that Justice was criticizing was SB 107, which would make California a "sanctuary state for transgender youth." 

"If children want to run away from their parents, or, you know, someone feels the child isn't being affirmed in the way that they should, they can bring them to California and make that happen there," Justice said in her interpretation of the bill. "And all other laws will be ignored. So parental rights be damned. 

"Apparently, in California, they would like our children and to liberate every other child in America. And apparently, that was considered hateful speech by Twitter.”

Justice said other countries such as Sweden and Finland are opposing medical transition procedures with transgender children and that the United States should follow.

"It's a big wake up call to the United States," she said. "We've had Sweden and Finland speaking out about this, you know, they have gone farther down this path than we had in America.

"And right now they're rolling things back. And they're saying that medical transition is not the way to go, that there needs to be more mental health analysis. And so I'm thankful for American heroes who are pushing forward.”

Justice also argued it is time for doctors to start backing parents and opposing gender-reassignment procedures.

"If you're a doctor, and you're listening, we need you in this fight, standing up and having the backs of parents," she said.