New York Times op-ed defends JK Rowling's Transgender views, despite backlash

The op-ed was titled “In Defense of J.K. Rowling” and was written by columnist Pamela Paul
New York Times

The New York Times has published an op-ed that defended Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling who has been outspoken against certain aspects of the transgender movement, sparking backlash from contributors.

The op-ed published Thursday was titled “In Defense of J.K. Rowling” and was written by columnist Pamela Paul. 

Almost 200 of the newspaper’s contributors later signed a letter accusing the newspaper of "anti-trans bias" and supporting views of "far-right hate groups."

The Time released a statement in defense of the op-ed.

“Our journalism strives to explore, interrogate and reflect the experiences, ideas and debates in society — to help readers understand them. Our reporting did exactly that and we’re proud of it," Times spokesperson Charlie Stadtlander said.

Paul plans to launch a podcast next week titled "The Witch Trials of J.K. Rowling."

She argues in her op-ed that the attacks against the children's book author are unfounded and her statements aren't transphobic.

Rowling has been outspoken in defending biological women by keeping transgender women out of female prisons and how the erasure of women is happening under the extreme side of the movement.