Portman acknowledges Trump remains popular, says policies even more popular

Departing Ohio senator encourages GOP, Trump to focus on accomplishments, not personality.
Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio)

Sen. Ron Portman, an Ohio Republican who is retiring from the Senate, acknowledged Sunday that Donald Trump remains largely popular inside the GOP and he urged Republicans and the former president to focus on his policies and accomplishments more than personality and grievances.

“Well, he's very popular among Republicans and the polling shows that. I do think that the policies are what's even more popular,” Portman told ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

The senator said the policy accomplishments helped congressional Republicans in the last election.

“And that's why Republicans actually did pretty well in 2020, other than the presidential level is, you know, not a single House Republican lost, in fact 15 seats were picked up in the House," he noted.

Stephanopoulos pressed Portman about whether Trump's personality will overshadow the policies that the GOP wants America to embrace.

"Well, it sometimes makes it more difficult. But look, I think he has an opportunity today to talk about his accomplishments," he said. "I mean, instead of talking about personalities or, you know who might have not agreed with him on the impeachment process. Talk about what you did," Portman said.