Trump serves meals to border troops, picks up Texas governor’s endorsement

“We need a president who’s going to secure the border,” Gov. Greg Abbott told a crowd who gathered to see Trump.
Donald Trump, Oct. 28, 2023, Las Vegas

Leading in polls coast to coast, former President Donald Trump served meals Sunday to National Guard soldiers and state troopers protecting the Texas border and picked up the coveted endorsement of Gov. Greg Abbott. 

“We need a president who’s going to secure the border,” Abbott told a crowd who gathered to see Trump in Edinburg, about 30 miles from the Hidalgo crossing with Mexico. “We need Donald J. Trump back as our president of the United States of America.”

Trump vowed to restore the border patrol system that reduced illegal crossings to record lows, saying it will alleviate the stress that Texas has endured under President Joe Biden. 

“You’ll be able to focus on other things in Texas,” Trump told Abbott.

The Texas governor accused Biden of putting the nation’s security at risk with weak border enforcement.

“Joe Biden is causing a potential terrorist threat against America,” Abbott said. “Joe Biden has failed at national security. There is no way that America can continue under the leadership of Joe Biden.”

Trump began the trip by serving early Thanksgiving meals to Texas National Guard soldiers, state troopers and other law enforcement officials who have volunteered to protect the border between Texas and Mexico.