Topless transgender activist apologizes for behavior at White House pride event

"Today, I need to apologize. Earlier this month, I was invited by the White House to attend a pride celebration with both President Biden and Dr. Biden," Montoya said.
Joe Biden, Pride, White House, June 10, 2023

A transgender activist has apologized for going topless during a video at a White House pride event earlier this month.

Rose Montoya, a biological male, posted a video featuring footage on the event. Several seconds included Montoya not wearing a shirt, alongside other transgender individual doing the same.

The activist's actions drew considerable condemnation from conservatives, including Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, who deemed it "totally inappropriate." The White House on Tuesday condemned Montoya's behavior, saying it "is inappropriate and disrespectful for any event at the White House. It is not reflective of the event we hosted to celebrate LGBTQI+ families or the other hundreds of guests who were in attendance. Individuals in the video will not be invited to future events."

On Friday, Montana addressed the matter in a video posted to Twitter, "Today, I need to apologize. Earlier this month, I was invited by the White House to attend a pride celebration with both President Biden and Dr. Biden."

"I, alongside other powerful voices in the queer and trans communities, were invited to be represented, seen and heard in unique and a very special way," Montoya went on. "In a quick moment of fleeting and overwhelming trans joy, I decided to do something unbecoming of a guest of the president at the White House lawn celebration. More so than ever before, I have learned how powerful and just how impactful, my actions are and how impactful it is when we share our stories and experiences and how we do so with the world. I want to take this moment to apologize for the impact of my actions."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on Twitter.