Former US Ambassador Grenell says Biden administration funding both sides of Ukraine war

Former Ambassador to Germany says that the Biden Administration is funding both sides of war in Ukraine

Published: October 17, 2022 1:43pm

Updated: October 17, 2022 5:16pm

Former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence Ric Grenell on Monday accused the Biden administration of funding both sides of Russia's war in Ukraine. 

The administration funds "all sorts of foreign countries, foreign wars, foreign entanglements. And [officials] don't ever really see the the strategic blunder that is happening," Grenell said on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And I think most Americans struggle with understanding the very clear reason why we're putting $19 billion into Ukraine."

Grenell comments follow his tweet earlier in the day in which he argued the U.S. is funding Russia, because it has financial dealings with Iran, which is supplying Russia with equipment for drone strikes. 

"The Biden Administration is giving Ukraine $19 billion while negotiating with the Iranian Regime to give them billions of dollars – all the while Iran supplies Russia with drones to attack Ukraine," the tweet read."Biden is officially on both sides of the Ukraine war."

Grenell is apparently arguing that Iran enter a U.S.-led deal to curb its program to develop nuclear weapons – or reenter the 2015 deal former President Trump ended – would lead to the easing of millions, if not more, in economic sanctions. 

He said National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is "negotiating with Iran, promising them all sorts of gifts to control their nuclear issue, which I would argue is not controlling their nuclear issue, but it's encouraging them to continue their terrorist ways.

"While at the same time, they're funding Ukraine, and now we see that Iran has sent their drones to Ukraine."

He also said the administration is "literally on both sides of the war. Now in Ukraine, we're working with the Iranians who are supplying the Russians and we're giving money to the Ukrainians. It's outrageous."

The former ambassador says that this doesn't surprise him due to the corruption in Washington.

"For Washington, it just means that all those big contractors get to get more money, a war goes on, and they keep funding this whole mess," Grenell stated. "Meanwhile, diplomacy is pushed off to the side." 

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