Abortion rights supporters to march in Washington on Saturday

Measure comes after strict Texas abortion ban survived Supreme Court challenge.

Published: October 2, 2021 10:18am

Updated: October 2, 2021 10:33am

Pro-choice marchers are set to gather in Washington, D.C., on Saturday in a show of support for abortion rights following the success of Texas's recent major abortion ban.

The Women's March — the organization responsible for the eponymous massive demonstration that occurred in 2017 following the inauguration of President Donald Trump — organized the Saturday demonstration alongside Planned Parenthood and other like-minded groups. 

The main march is scheduled to take place on Saturday afternoon, when demonstrators will walk to the Supreme Court. Around 10,000 are expected to attend. 

The march will follow roughly the same route as the annual pro-life, anti-abortion March for Life.

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