Democrats’ massive spending bill includes major immigration measure

Rule would allow illegal immigrants in the U.S. to stay an extra decade.

Published: November 20, 2021 2:44pm

Updated: November 20, 2021 11:48pm

The massive spending bill passed by Capitol Hill Democrats this week includes a significant immigration measure that would allow illegal immigrants in the U.S. to continue living and working in the country for another decade.

The rule would offer two five-year coverage windows for immigrants who have been in the U.S. illegally since 2011. The measure would cover about 6.5 million illegal immigrants now living in the U.S. 

Democrats had earlier pushed for major immigration reform in the bill, including a pathway to citizenship for illegals, though they ultimately fell short of those goals in the negotiations process for the bill. 

The overall bill comprises nearly $2 trillion in spending on a variety of programs and initiatives.


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