Authorities seize $90,000 from man who sold video of Capitol riot

The man faces eight criminal counts in connection with the riot.

Published: May 23, 2021 11:42am

Updated: May 23, 2021 12:31pm

Authorities have seized around $90,000 from an individual who sold video he captured of the fatal Jan. 6 shooting of Ashli Babbitt, according to court filings.

Prosecutors have lodged additional criminal charges against John Earle Sullivan, a self-identified political activist who stands accused of going into the Capitol and engaging in the Jan. 6 riot, the filings unsealed on Thursday indicate according to Reuters, which reported that the man faces eight criminal counts in connection with the riot.

Reuters cited the filings to report that the man represented himself as an independent reporter covering the episode, but that he really encouraged people to "burn" the Capitol and participate in violence.

The outlet said that he captured footage that included the fatal shooting of Babbitt and, according to court filings, bragged to a witness that "my footage is worth like a million of dollars, millions of dollars."

He sold the video to news outlets for a total amount of $90,000, the outlet reported, citing a seizure warrant.

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