Gun Owners of America looking to challenge ATF pistol ban in court

Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt refers to the ban as 'classic entrapment.'

Published: January 26, 2023 7:16pm

Updated: January 26, 2023 10:36pm

Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt says that the organization is looking to challenge the unconstitutional pistol ban that the ATF is behind. 

"Under this rule, gun owners have to send in pictures of their guns that they already own to the ATF along with their address, fingerprints and social security numbers," Pratt said on the Thursday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "After 88 days, if the ATF doesn't complete the background check, they will become persons in possession of illegal firearms, where the ATF can send them to jail for 10 years."

According to Pratt, this regulation is going to put millions of Americans in the ATF's crosshairs. 

"It's one of the reasons why our attorneys are already looking to challenge this in court," he explained. "But there's also the Congress. People can go to our website at to find an alert where they can take action to contact their congressman."

Pratt explained that pistols with stabilizing braces were specifically coming under attack. 

"Americans own up to 40 million pistols with stabilizing braces," he stated. "They were originally designed for disabled so they could help them shoot firearms and they relied on pronouncements by the ATF for 10 years saying that these pistols with stabilizing braces were legal. Millions of people now own these pistols, for lawful reasons, including self defense. But now the ATF has reversed course, saying that they're short barreled rifles, which means that they have to be registered under the NFA."

If these gun owners don't register these firearms in a certain period of time, they could end up in jail with a massive fine. 

"If they're not registered during the 120 day grace period that the Biden administration is so graciously offering before they come take their guns if they don't and Americans don't register them, they could face up to 10 years in jail and a $250,000 fine," Pratt warned. 

He referred to this as "classic entrapment" and attorneys for Gun Owners of America are looking to challenge it in court. 

Pratt also discussed a bill that passed the Illinois House last week, which had already passed in the Senate there as well, which bans semi-automatic rifles and magazines that can hold more than 12 rounds of ammunition. He said that he thinks the law will eventually be struck down. 

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