Parents of alleged rape victim at public school will sue Loudoun County

The alleged sexual assaults were "predictable and preventable," the Smiths said in a statement.

Published: October 14, 2021 7:17pm

Updated: October 15, 2021 12:10am

The parents of the student who was allegedly raped at Stone Bridge High School in May by a boy wearing a skirt are pursuing legal action against Virginia's Loudoun County.

Scott Smith, who was arrested at the June 22 Loudoun County school board meeting told the Daily Wire this week that his daughter had been raped at her high school.

The Smiths are being represented by the Stanley Law Group of Virginia, which is also representing the girl's father, Scott, "against 'wrongful and unconstitutional' charges filed against him in Circuit Court" related to the June 22 school board meeting.

"Attorneys for the family of the Stone Bridge High School student who was sexually assaulted in the girls' restroom on May 28 by a boy claiming to be 'gender fluid' today announced they will pursue legal actions against Loudoun County under the provisions of Title IX," a press release from the law firm says.

In a statement, the Smiths said: "The sexual assault our daughter endured should never happen to any young girl, or any child, attending a public school. But because of indifference and negligence by Loudoun County Public Schools and the Loudoun School Board, it did. And now, it has happened to another girl at another Loudoun County school at the hands of the very same assailant."

Calling the alleged sexual assaults "predictable and preventable," the Smiths said, "Because of poor planning and misguided policies, Loudoun Schools failed to institute even minimal safeguards to protect students from sexual assaults."

Loudoun County Public Schools told Fox News Friday it "does not comment on pending legislation," the network reported.

Women's Liberation Front's (WoLF) Legal Director, Lauren Adams, released a blistering statement on the alleged rape:

"The left's silence on the accusations of sexual assault inside Loudoun County schools is absolutely deafening. The #MeToo movement advocated for society to believe survivors, but, apparently, that goes out the window when the perpetrator may identify as transgender.

"Liberals cannot pick and choose which rape victims to believe based on what supports their gender narrative. Women and girls deserve safety and dignity, especially in education where schools have an obligation to protect their students and ensure equal opportunity. Assaults like these are the natural result of transgender bathroom policies, which allow boys to freely enter girls' spaces and erode boundaries.

"The hypocrisy of the left in the wake of these devastating revelations of male violence demonstrates that true feminism and gender ideology are inherently incompatible. We now see that women's trauma is nothing but a tool for the left to further their own narratives when convenient."


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