Sen. Rand Paul holds up Anti-Lynching Legislation in Senate

Updated: October 20, 2024 - 1:31am

Senator Rand Paul: "I seek to amend this legislation, not because I take it. Or I take lynching lightly but because I take it seriously. And this legislation does not let you use a tool of terror to claim the lives of nearly 5000 Americans between 1881 and 1968. But this bill would cheapen the meaning of latching by defining it so broadly as to include a minor bruise or abrasion our nation's history of racial terrorism demands more seriousness from us than that."

Senator Cory Booker: "I had Children breakdown with me this week wondering if this would be a country that values their lives as much as white people's lives. I've had to explain to grown men this week that there's still hope in America, that we can make change in America, that we can grow and heal in America, that we can make this a more perfect union. Well, today is a day we can do it. One thing one member to yield for once, like he did in February of 2019 yield for one day, and give America this when was passed this piece of legislation today of all days. Let's give a headline tomorrow something that will give hope to this country that we can get it right. It may not cure the ills. So many are protesting about but God, it can be a sign of hope.

So Mr President, I object to this amendment I object, I object on substance, I object on the law.

And from my heart and spirit and every fiber of my being object from my ancestors."