'I don't care if I get canceled': Laptop story 'has to be told,' says 'My Son Hunter' director

Veteran character actor and filmmaker Robert Davi brings buried Biden scandals to the big screen.

Published: September 2, 2022 3:56pm

Updated: September 15, 2022 11:57pm

Robert Davi was driven to make his new docudrama "My Son Hunter" by mainstream media efforts to bury the explosive Hunter Biden laptop story during the 2020 presidential campaign, the actor-director told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show.

Recalling "the frustration that I had watching this unfold and the American people not getting a chance at seeing what was happening," Davi said, "My feeling was it has to be told — I don't care if I get canceled."

An immediately recognizable character actor with scores of film credits ("Licence to Kill," "Die Hard"), Davi — one of Hollywood's few uncloseted conservatives — also maintains a sideline as a jazz vocalist, one who recorded an acclaimed Frank Sinatra tribute album that reached no. 6 on Billboard's jazz albums chart.

Despite their avowed right-leaning political sensibilities, both the filmmaker and his "My Son Hunter" star Laurence Fox sought to lay bare the troubled emotional core of their substance-abusing title character rather than pander to their audience by reducing the president's son to a cardboard villain. 

"The important thing for me was telling the story in a humanistic way," Davi explained. "I wanted the audience to be able to be engaged in the emotional life of Hunter Biden — that addiction is a sickness."

"My Son Hunter" was released Sept. 7 on the Breitbart News platform and is also available to stream or download at the film's website

Davi is no stranger to the popular conservative media site.

"It was just really exciting when Robert brought this product to us because we know Robert so well," Breitbart Editor in Chief Alex Marlow told "Just the News, Not Noise" cohosts John Solomon and Amanda Head. "He'd been writing for Breitbart since 2009. He's one of the few people out there in Hollywood who has been openly conservative, and is still managing to have a diverse, broad career."

Like the platform's late founder Andrew Breitbart, Davi believes conservatives must redouble their efforts to challenge the left's stranglehold on popular culture.

"Politics is downstream from culture," Davi said. "And one of my frustrations with the conservative movement is not understanding culture enough and using it enough."

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