Former Israeli Amb. Ron Dermer: Israel will act without the United States to 'prevent a nuclear armed Iran’

Iranians burn U.S. and Israeli flags, Tehran, Jan. 6, 2020

Former Israeli ambassador to the U.S., Ron Dermer discusses President Biden’s recent trip to Israel and the politics surrounding his trip to the Middle East. Saying, that rather than addressing the political concerns and the tense climate in the region between Iran and Israel, "Instead, this trip was made largely because of the price of gas in the United States.” Commenting on a major policy disagreement between Israel and the United States right now, saying he does “not believe the policy of the Biden administration is to prevent a nuclear armed Iran,” but rather "is to contain a nuclear armed Iran.” The former ambassador says that in the past, "Israel has taken out two nuclear programs,” and that he does not think that the United States is "going to take care of" Iran. Saying, "it comes down to really one of two choices, either we're going to have to take action, or the people of Iran are going to rise up and throw out these this regime that they despise, and we should be preparing for both scenarios."

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