Amb. John Bolton says he’s ‘prepared’ to run in 2024 to stop Trump, after recent Constitution remarks

John Bolton on February 17, 2020

Ambassador John Bolton discusses his potential 2024 Presidential bid after former President Trump’s controversial comments concerning the Constitution. Bolton says, He “was stunned by former President Trump's comments about terminating the Constitution over the past weekend,” and was “also surprised and worried at the absence of real repudiation of the view that the Constitution can be terminated by Republican leaders, and especially the people who have been mentioned as potential candidates for our 2024 presidential nomination.” The former Trump national security adviser says, that he started out by tweeting about it, “and then the more [he] thought about it, “the more it worried him both from a principled point of view that you can't have a party leader who doesn't accept the Constitution, but also from the point of view of practical politics, that this comment by Trump is like a time bomb that every Republican candidate will be carrying around in this election cycle unless we repudiate it. So my point is, if others aren't going to do it, I'm prepared to do it.”


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