AZ AG candidate asks to pause recount to ensure ‘every legal vote is counted, every illegal vote is tossed out’

A 2020 mail-in ballot in Maricopa County

Abe Hamadeh discusses to asks to an Arizona court to pause state recount efforts after reports of voting concerns in Maricopa County. The Republican candidate for Arizona Attorney General discusses the election, which has still not been called, “is the closest race in Arizona state history and is within 511 votes.” Hamadeh says that, “there's a recount that's ongoing, but we're trying to put a pause to that right now, we filed our lawsuit last week on Friday. And right now what we're hoping what my lawsuit alleges is that, everybody knows what we witnessed in Maricopa County was unacceptable and indefensible. When you had so many, 30% of the printers malfunctioning, the lines were out the door, there were no parking spaces available for people to try to come vote. So they had to park blocks and blocks away, and the gall of [Maricopa County] not to extend voting hours is absolutely shocking. So what our lawsuit is alleging is that there's at least 270 people who checked in into a voting center, but did not cast the ballot there because they didn't trust” it. So those 270 people, “went and grabbed their mail-in-ballots and drop it off. And that's really important to know, because we were winning Maricopa County on election day, 75% to 25%. So those, ballots would be in our favor. So we're trying to get the judge to include those ballots, and then we're also trying to get the judge to allow the voters whose voting was suppressed to be able to vote now and to be included, because they were disenfranchised.” Commenting, “There's still a lot of uncounted ballots that have been set aside due to registration issues or signature issues and we're going to be taking a look at those to see what we can do to include them in the final tally, but I'm feeling optimistic. I'm praying and I think right now we've got a legitimate shot.” Hamadeh says, they’re “making sure that every legal vote is counted, and every illegal vote is tossed out.”

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