Bernie Kerik: Georgia Gov Kemp is one Trump endorsement away from being ousted


Bernie Kerik, former NYC Police Commissioner, talks about elections, election integrity and his advising of Georgia Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Vernon Jones, with the most recent polls showing Jones with ‘Trump's endorsement would take about 55% of the vote in the primary’ as the runner-up over the incumbent, Governor Kemp.

And also an Exclusive interview with, Peggy Grande, longtime Executive Assistant to former President Ronald Reagan, talks all things Reagan. Discussing his timeless views on the conservative movement, Biden’s handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan, and how the American people are returning to fundamental Reagan principles of “the beauty of Middle- America” and Reganomics of ‘less government, unilateral control over everything, and private public partnerships’ that ‘Reagan was at the forefront of when he privitized the space Industry’.

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