Blackburn holds the line on Defense spending bill: ‘No vax mandate until recruitment, retention goals’ met

Sen. Marsha Blackburn

Senator Marsha Blackburn discusses her new bipartisan legislation removing “the Apple App Store and the Google Apps Store” as the gatekeepers for any and all apps that can go on your device.” She also discusses her amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act, which would “prohibit DoD from removing people who did not get the vaccine until DOD and the military branch reached their goals for their recruitment levels for the year.” This follows the past few years of low recruitment and retention numbers, as recent stats show that the military failed to reach their recruitment numbers by almost 25%. The Tennessee Senator comments, that “we know that recruitment levels are way down, that that our army is going to be about 15,000 troops short this year, and they think it'll be about 21,000 troops short next year. So my amendment is simple. It doesn't say DOD, you cannot do a vaccine mandate. It says DOD, you cannot do a vaccine mandate until you reach your recruitment and retention goals, that protects our men and women in uniform. And it protects the the military, it protects our army, their mission, and being able to implement their core mission. I'm working with House Armed Services Committee and with Republicans in the House. We're trying to get this in the bill that the House is going to pass first and then sent over to us and Senate.”

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