Border agent union head: Voters are swayed by facts on issues like border encounters, election fraud - not rhetoric

U.S.-Mexico border

Brandon Judd, Border Patrol Union President discusses Republican messaging and the staggering number of border encounters in the month of October alone. Judd comments that he believes that, "Republicans did not have the huge red wave is that there's a lot of people out there that believe that the elections were stolen, and they very well might have. But what people want to see, is they want to see the evidence, they want to see evidence of what's going on. And that's what Governor Abbott is doing. He is showing the evidence of what is currently taking place on the border. And when people can actually see the evidence rather than rhetoric, rather than just talk. When people see the evidence, they're more likely to step to step up and voice their concerns, and let their elected officials know that they want change on the border. And that's what [Governor Abbott] is doing. He's not giving us rhetoric, he's giving us the evidence, he's showing what is currently happening, and then he on top of that, he is taking action. That's what we need from elected officials."

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