Comer: In every major Biden family, administration probe Garland, DOJ ‘has come in and obstructed’

Jim Jordan, James Comer, Washington, D.C., June 22, 2022

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer discusses the release of a timeline of the Biden family's alleged influence-peddling schemes, recent interviews with two new FBI whistleblowers that corroborate previously made IRS whistleblowers allegations, and how the Department of Justice has tried to “obstruct” the committee’s inquires.  Comer comments that “every interview” that his committee has “tried to conduct on every major investigation of the Biden administration, whether it was trying to interview border agents, to try and interview FBI agents with respect to the obstructing the Biden investigation. Every step of the way, Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice has come in and obstructed. And then you go back to when we did a transcribed interview with the general counsel for the National Archives. He was told he couldn't answer specific questions. He was told that he couldn't post on the website wrongdoing by Joe Biden, but he could post everything in the world on the website about Donald Trump. I mean, examples continue to pile in, where this two-tiered system of justice is in full play and they're going after their political opponents, whether it be Donald Trump or myself, and they're turning a blind eye to the obvious corruption involved by the President's family.”

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