Dinesh D’Souza: Geotracking was celebrated by Left when ‘tracking down Jan 6 protestors,’ why not ‘ballot-harvesters’

Election officials collect ballots from a drop box on the last day of early voting in Georgia at the Lenora Park Gym in Snellville, Ga., on Friday, October 30, 2020.

Dinesh D’Souza discusses his new movie, “2000 Mules,” which relies heavily on geotracking data from cell phones and video collected by security cameras showing hundreds of "mules" who stuffed ballot boxes at odd hours of the day in critical swing states during the 2020 election cycle. D’Souza comments, “the left celebrated geotracking when used to track down Jan 6th protestors,” or when it was used by the CDC during the pandemic to check that people were maintaining “social distancing of 6 feet,” why is it now not accurate enough for checking “election irregularities”.  

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