Doug Campbell: Obama, FBI heads turned their backs on our country

President Donald Trump

The FBI undercover informant who gave evidence of Russian wrong doing says U.S. leaders did little because they believed Hillary Clinton would be president.


Full transcript:

John Solomon  0:06  

Hello America and welcome to a new edition of John Solomon Reports, the podcast from Just the News. We've got a very special day today. It is a rare moment when somebody who worked undercover for the FBI for seven years, is able to speak freely and publicly about what he did. But we have one of those heroes with us here today. Doug Campbell, William Douglas Campbell is his actual name, who worked for the CIA and the FBI for nearly three decades in various undercover capacities, is joining us and he is going to tell the story that's in my book, and Seamus Bruner'd book, the book Fallout of how under seven years of undercover inside Vladmir Putin's Russian nuclear monopoly called [?], how he uncovered kickbacks, bribery, extortion, how he uncovered political corruption, how he uncovered Joe Biden's energy advisor, working to advise the Russian nuclear industry and how to get a leg up in the American uranium market, put the American uranium business out of business so that American electricity, customers and American utilities would be dependent on cheaper nuclear fuel from Moscow for years to come. He's gonna explain all of that. Doug Campbell, the real live uranium one undercover informant. He's gonna be joining us in just a little bit. We're also going to talk about a couple of stories that broke today that I think you should know about. It won't take long. We'll get through that really quickly go through some top headlines and why they're important. And then the moment we've been waiting for the opportunity to talk to Doug Campbell, the FBI informant, the man at the middle of the Russian nuclear scandal that affected both Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barack Obama. Don't miss this. This is going to be a big interview today. I hope you enjoy it. We'll be back right after this commercial break.

All right, folks, we're back from the commercial break. I'm so glad you joined us today because we've got that special guest, Doug Campbell, the undercover FBI informant operative who helped the FBI prove that the Russian nuclear monopoly Rosatom was engaged on US soil and criminality at the same time, it was getting approval to buy the uranium one assets uranium ore underneath the US oil. At the same time, it was getting billions of dollars of nuclear fuel contracts for American utilities from the Obama administration. At the same time, the Obama-Biden-Clinton team helped the Russians get a... build their own Silicon Valley called Skolkovo in Russia, a place it now you US intelligence says was used for Russian counterintelligence purposes to economic espionage and military espionage against the United States. This was all done during the failed Russian reboot that the Obama-Biden-Clinton team executed in 2009, in 2014, all the way through... lots of [?] lots of valuable things for Vladimir Putin. And then when it was all done, Putin pulled the rug out from underneath the Obama administration, nd Yep, you got it invaded Ukraine, which then led to the Ukraine scandal. It's all in our book. But today, you're going to hear from the central figure in our book, the man who was undercover for the FBI for seven years. What a harrowing story he has to tell what an important story about our country's future about our past and what we got wrong that we haven't come to grips with. It's going to be a great interview, but before we get to that, I'd like to highlight a couple stories that are broken over the last couple of days that I think are important. First step, and I think this is an important one. Judicial Watch, which a few Tom fitness fought many very important FOIA battles, Freedom of Information Act battles, they were able to secure the release of new documents over the weekend. And I think these documents are very important because they're Pete strux own emails, and the days leading up to and in the first day of the Trump presidency, January 2017. And what we learned is that Trump was only president for 24 hours when struck the supervisor of the crossfire hurricane investigation, sent an angry email to his boss and the reason he struck was upset was that one of his colleagues, Jennifer Boone, had done a White House counter intelligence briefing for the brand new White House Trump and his team. And he had she hadn't consulted struck because struck wanted to use the meeting to spy on the Trump presidency to further the Russia collusion investigation to take that bond of trust that a briefer an intelligence or counterintelligence briefer has and use it to find dirt on the president. And keep in mind at this point on January 21 2017, when Peter Strzok writes this email to Bill Priestap, the Assistant Director for counterintelligence at the time, the FBI knows that the Mike Flynn investigation has come to a dead end that the agent who worked it for five months, has concluded that there was no counterintelligence or criminal reason to continue and he recommended shutting down that investigation. Jim Comey Andy McKay, Pete Strzok, overruled that decision. That's one thing that they knew. They also had, by that time interviewed the primary sub source of Christopher Steele, who told them the main evidence attributed to him to the primary sub source in the dossier was exaggerated. Not true. He didn't say some of it. Some of it was a joke. Some of it was just flat out inaccuracy. 

In other words, the FBI knew they had a major major problem with the credibility of Christopher Steele's dossier. And yet they did nothing about it. So the entire Russia case is falling apart at this point. They don't really have grounds to continue the FISA warrant, though they did for two more times. They don't have grounds to investigate Flynn. And as you can tell from the famous emails, even months later, they still had no big [?] Peter Strzok wrote. In other words, they never had any evidence of collusion that they could prove. It was a dead end from the beginning. But it's in that environment when there really is no reason to be looking at the president and his aides. When Pete Strzok sends this email and let me just read you the email. It's so... it just is a contemporary and is captured and frozen in time email that I think speaks volumes about what was wrong with the FBI investigation. Quote, I heard from blank it's redacted the name about the White House counterintelligence briefing routed from blank, the names redacted. This is Strzok writing this on January 21 2017. Trump has been in office less than 24 hours. Quote, I am angry that Jen, that's Jennifer Boone, a colleague FBI agent, did not at least cc me as my branch has pending investigative matters there. This brief may play into our investigative strategy. And I would like the ability to have visibility and provide thoughts and counsel to you in advance of the briefing. This is one of the reasons why I raised the issue of Lane's responsibilities that I did when you asked her to handle Whitehouse detailee interaction. Wow, what an email you can actually read this email by clicking... going on Just the News and clicking on it. It's a chilling email. It is a very strong, powerful example of how much the FBI was willing to do to try to find anything that good on Trump, even when there was no basis or justification for it. Now I took this email, I took these revelations and I went to longtime intelligence experts and said, is this appropriate? Should we be using the sacred trust that a president and his aides have with their intelligence prefers and turned it into a weapon to find dirt and an investigation to find dirt that can be leaked? Was this an appropriate thing? And does it violate the trust? And so first first person I talked to has a lot of [?] is Fred Fleitz. He's the former National Security Council's chief of staff. He worked for John Bolton, and he said quote, it's unbelievable this kind of stuff was going on. How is the president to do his job with this going on? He has to be able to ask difficult questions. You want him and his aides to ask hypotheticals during the briefings as they get up to speed. But if those questions are going to be leaked back to investigators, the President is not going to talk to the experts. That's going to leave us blind. That is Fred Fleitz. That's a John Bolton guy defending the President saying this is hideous that Pete Strzok was thinking of using counterintelligence briefing to spy investigate, get dirt on the President Trump and his team now. I went to an FBI guy figured out maybe the FBI has a different perspective. Kevin Brock, the longtime Assistant Director for intelligence to the FBI, he worked for Bob Muller so no fan of Donald Trump Bob Muller, and he said the same thing he was deeply troubled by this Strzok emails and what struck was trying to do here quote, this is from Kevin Brock, former FBI Assistant Director for intelligence. It appears that Strzok was going to leverage a normal FBI counterintelligence briefing for a new presidential administration to insert crossfire hurricane investigative efforts specifically in hopes of getting into the White House to interview General Flynn, that's Michael Flynn, the National Security Adviser. When Strzok... This is more quote from from Kevin Brock, when Strzok found out those briefings were already conducted without his knowledge he got upset since the counterintelligence briefingsa pparently were no longer available as a subterfuge. Think of that word. This is subterfuge. The FBI is engaging with our own president. Soon thereafter, Deputy Director McCabe reached out to Flynn directly to set up an interview appointment. Director Comey admitted later they took advantage of the disorganization of the new administration to avoid the protocols that would normally be in place to control access to senior White House personnel. Like Flynn, even an FBI man, a lifelong FBI man rebuked, rejects what Pete Strzok, Jim Comey, Andy McCabe, Bill Priestap that we're doing here. They shouldn't be violating the trust of classified intelligence briefing designed to make sure the President's up to speed on the biggest dangers and concerns and worries in the world. That's the consensus of some of these intelligence experts I talked to were shocked to get this email that Judicial Watch unsurfaced or surfaced in the in [?]. 

So really important to start, I hope you get a chance to go to Just the and read this article. I think it brings a lot of value to the table and it really raises a question just How far was the FBI willing to go in the absence of any evidence? Just how far was it willing to go to get dirt on Donald Trump or manufactured dirt on Donald Trump very important. Now the second thing is there's a new excerpt out on the book that Seamus Bruner and I wrote, Seamus joined us last week, fantastic co author, fantastic investigative reporter, so blessed, so blessed that he joined me in this writing of this book, I couldn't have thought of a better person. But the excerpt today is out on Breitbart. And it's something I just want to mention, because I think it's one of the more interesting stories, subplots in the book, which is a lot of people don't realize that when the Russians were really trying to compromise a political figure during the 2009 to 2019 timeframe, their original target was not Donald Trump. Nope, not Mike Flynn. Hillary Clinton. How do we know that? Well, the FBI was kind enough to declassify its counterintelligence files. what are known as the Anna Chapman [?] this was the model, I think spy turn model we all know now Anna Chapman, who was here with 10 other illegal spies, Russian illegals, and their job was to embed inside the Obama administration get close to him and one of those, one of those 10 spies were getting closer and closer to Hillary Clinton. In fact, they had gotten in the employment they were posing as an accountant, an American accountant when they were really a Russian spy inside one of Hillary Clinton's biggest donors in the history of the Clinton world and gotten the job there. And the goal of that spy, it was a woman was to get to jump from the donor to get inside the State Department get closer to the FBI, excuse me to get closer to the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2009, 2010. And at that time, at that moment, when that occurred, the FBI rolled up that ring and they arrested all 10 illegals, but then we gave them right back to Russia. We traded them for four non American spies or assets that the Russians had. And this was, as Breitbart puts it, a failure by Joe Biden, and Obama and Clinton. They basically swept this under the rug by getting these illegals out of here quickly, not telling the whole story. But the FBI was deeply concerned that Mrs. Clinton was about to be compromised. She was the object, the target, the focus of a major spy ring of Russians back in 2010. And how did they try to get to her? The way that it seems like many people did the Chinese influencers during the 1990 Asia fundraising scandal, they went through donors and money because it was the perception of Russia. That was the Clintons vulnerability, that political money, personal money, whether it's Bill Clinton's $500,000 speech check, or the millions that went to the Clinton Foundation, there was a perception among the Russian spies, that the way to Hillary Clinton's influence was to get through her donor network. So check that out on Breitbart. It is from our new book, Fallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties. We hope you enjoy reading that. All right, we're gonna go to commercial break and when we come back, Doug Campbell, the undercover FBI informant, his first time ever on the podcast, you're not gonna want to miss this.

Alright folks, welcome back from the commercial break. And as promised, we have a very special guest today a man you may not have heard of, but whose service to this country is extraordinary. William Douglas Campbell, most people knew him as a businessman from Florida. But he also was one of the most important operatives working for the CIA and the FBI over 30 years and he's a central figure in our new bookFallout: Nuclear Bribes, Russian Spies, and the Washington Lies that Enriched the Clinton and Biden Dynasties. And the reason that Mr. Campbell was a central figure is for seven years, he spent his life undercover working for the FBI getting intelligence inside Vladimir Putin's nuclear Empire called Rosatom and during that time, he uncovered lots of wrongdoing including criminality, corruption, kickbacks, bribery, all occurring on US soil by Russians under the Obama-Biden-Clinton team. And he helped bring a major prosecution and he helped alert the US government to many national security concerns that... Doug Campbell, welcome to the show. It's so such an honor to have you on.

Doug Campbell  15:38  

Well, thank you, Mr. Solomon, and thank you for those kind words. I'd like to begin by explaining that prior to the FBI operations, I was conducting CIA operations in Russia, the Ukraine and the breakaway Republic of Kazakhstan. During that time, I developed close, trusted relationships with different parts of the Russian leadership and members of their private sector. Right while I was undercover working intelligence operations related to organize Russian criminal elements, I was offered a contract with Rosatom 10X, which is the nuclear side of the Russian government. And it provided me with indirect access to President Putin and Medvedev as well as the Russian nuclear arsenal leadership. Because I was working alternate intelligence operations at that time. And the Russians believed me to be nothing more than an influential American businessman, FBI overseas counterintelligence indicated that the Department of Justice wanted me to accept the Russian proposal. This would allow the Bureau and the Department of Justice and other US intelligence agencies to acquire information valuable to our national security from the Russian participants while monitoring the movement of the extorted funds that they had proposed through a complex system of money laundering networks that were suspected of managing funds for terrorist cells, as well as corrupt government officials. I accepted the Russian proposal by directive of our government and accordingly signed their contracts. And I've interacted with Rosatom and other Russian elements for several years, in particular, with government officials controlling their arsenal and the supply of their nuclear materials from the Russian Federation to the United States. I carried highly sophisticated sound devices set up meetings that could be filmed and monitored while either wire transferring to organize crime banking elements overseas and or being DOJ photographed and filmed handling large amounts of cash to Russian officials to be laundered back to Moscow, at different times received Russian declarations about the importance of the relationship as well as veiled threats and innuendos of potential harm from their leadership, which was damn serious. They inferred they could kill Alexander Litvinenko utilizing polonium 210 which they distributed and they had carried to London by Russian agents and placed in his food. So it was some damn serious work and it kept my attention every day.

Over several years I coordinated and participated in meetings, both overseas and here in the United States that yielded extensive and detailed information valuable to our national security, a part of which was posted in the President's daily brief twice that I'm aware of. The agents celebrated as a matter of fact, in addition to conducting contracting business with Russia, I was directed to create an attend social gatherings and parties for specific individuals stationed at the Russian embassy and visiting Russian delegations. Additionally, FBI intelligence requested I provide specific information and define clearly the layout of Russian offices in the Washington DC area so that the FBI counterintelligence could create what were called war rooms, which were utilized for FBI monitoring stations as FBI monitoring stations in close proximity with Russian operations. Additionally, my duties included formulating interaction with multiple overseas interests, such as East German officials, when I would travel to Berlin that worked with Putin when he was head of KGB in Berlin, East Germany, and also current SBR and FSB agents which I was interacting with on a regular basis, both here in the United States and, and other places. So that is kind of a broad stroke of where I was and what I was doing. My deepest concern at that time was watching the US government make a series of decisions, benefiting Rosatom and connects while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct here in the United States of America, I mean, they, they were extorting, they were money laundering, and they were violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, while the United States government was allowing them to go ahead and sign large United States, energy contracts for delivery of Russian uranium into the United States to large utility entities. And this was all part of a strategy that was formulated years prior by President Putin, Medvedev and Sergei Kiriyenko who was head of Rosatom at that time. Their strategy was to basically create a interdependence of America on US imported Russian uranium goods, Russia that had successfully created a dependence on gas by Europe. And when they executed that strategy successfully and created a dependence in Europe, so that Russia could essentially turn on the gas or turn off the gas, they decided to try to execute the same strategy here in the United States, which they [?] did.

John Solomon  22:52  

One of the one of the leading parts of our book is that one of the things we need to learn is that Vladimir Putin's Russia uses energy as a geopolitical weapon and you in real time, were providing this the FBI. People are listening and they're saying, Oh my God, this sounds like an episode of the Americans on the television show or a made for TV movie or Tom Clancy novel. The truth of the matter is it may sound like all that. But what Doug did was very real. Mr. Campbell did undercover fo the FBI was a daily kind of compilation of what the Russians were doing to execute this strategy. And I, I always know in counterintelligence operations that the FBI agents like to give their operative a code name. And we we have a whole chapter about you that talks about this, but I loved your code name because I think it gives a little sense of who you are as a person, and why you would have the courage to do the work that you did. Can you tell our listeners, what was your code name for the FBI?

Doug Campbell  23:49  

My code name was Pastor. For a number of reasons. The most important reason to me and my heart was because I prayed with the agents. I had grown up in an environment where I was attending church regularly and said prayers every night with a great grandmother and a great mother and a great family. And so the agents felt because I would pray before a lot of the meetings with them. That Pastor would be a good name. Also, it was a name that was assigned to me so that the analysts that were handling these troves of information would not know specifically who I was.

John Solomon  24:40  

So you're a man of faith, a devout Christian, and I'm sure that faith comes in handy when you're spying on Russians who have no compunction not to kill someone they don't like. There are some amazing things that happen in the book and I just want to walk people through because for a lot of people who haven't followed the Russia Rosarom scandal This will be new to them. But Rosatom is a nuclear arm. It's a state controlled nuclear Empire, Vladimir Putin and then it has a series of subsidiaries. One of them is called Tenex and that's the arm of Rosatom that tries to sell Russian nuclear materials to commercial clients like American utilities. Tenem was a new thing they created when the Obama administration started giving them contracts in American and making the Russian nuclear company richer and more ingratiated into the American economy. They created an American subsidiary called Tenem. And then there was another entity called [?], which went out and bought uranium around the world. And that's the company that bought the uranium one assets that were the focus of Peter Schweitzer's great book Clinton cash that 20% of America's uranium are under our ground plus Kazakhstan, uranium owned by uranium one was sold to the Russians with the approval of the Obama administration in 2010. And that's A point of great controversy. I want to just ask you some questions. They the Russians wanted the American utility contracts, which were in the billions of dollars. So they would have a guaranteed market, make America dependent and they wanted the uranium under our ground, because if they could dump cheaper uranium then Americans wouldn't have their own uranium industry, right? They go out of business, because everyone would be dependent on Russian uranium. Is that the gist of what the Russian strategy?

Doug Campbell  26:29  

It was the heart of this strategy. Russians don't... Russians do nothing without a very firm sound strategy, and that was precisely what it was.

John Solomon  26:42  

Right. Well, what's I've been blessed to be able to go through a lot of the FBI files that detail your work, and it's really harrowing. I remember some days as Seamus and I were preparing to write the book or when I did my original stories in the fall of 2017 with Sarah Carter. I mean, some these documents are extraordinary because in real time, the FBI knows unequivocally that what Vladimir Putin is doing with these nuclear contracts, is trying to build a nuclear monopoly that would make America dependent on Russian nuclear energy. And therefore he he'd have it as a geopolitical weapon over the United States. So our government knows it. And then even as they know it, you see the Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton administration playing into that. They're going to give them the billions of contracts, they're going to give them the uranium underground, they're going to create a place called Skolkovo, where we're going to transfer some of our most sensitive technology to help the Russians. What were you thinking when you're watching the Obama administration do all these things when you know the administration, the FBI, the top of the government knew that Russia's intentions were bad, they were engaged in criminality. They were bad people that were getting all these benefits. What were you thinking in your mind?

Doug Campbell  27:56  

It troubled me greatly. It was frustrating. I challenged the agents about the way the administration was handling everything. And the agents looked at me. And these are good downhome agents that are hands on agents, with families. And they looked at me and were as frustrated as I was, and their words to me were ask your politics, Mr. Campbell.

John Solomon  28:32  

So in other words, what was going on? Was it a national security decision? It was a political decision by the Obama administration. That's how you took it correct.

Doug Campbell  28:41  

But no question. No question about it. The Russians bragged about the influence. They bragged about Clinton influence they brag about the weakness of this country. They bragged about the weakness of our President and referred to him twice with racial epithets, which were very troubling to me. I have to listen to it and endure it. Although I was undercover.

John Solomon  29:09  

And nobody wants to hear the American President mocked him no matter what party is, no matter what your politics are, no one likes to hear a foreign adversary do that. Talk about that dinner. I believe it was a dinner at Morton Steakhouse up in Maryland. It's right after the uranium one deal went through, right after a couple of the early multibillion dollar uranium fuel contracts that American utilities got through the Obama administration. You've got a bunch of Russians in from Moscow. You have to drop a suitcase full of cash off right? It's like $50,000 of cash correct?

Doug Campbell  29:43  

Yes, sir. Instead of making wire transfers through [?] through Latvia through Cyprus, into banks with corrupt bankers that would then turn it into cash and allow them to carry it to the Kremlin on this particular occasion they wanted me to provide 50,000 in cash directly to them at their offices there in Bethesda, and also on one occasion at the Ritz Carlton in Pentagon City. This cash was to be used and divided amongst the Russian leadership for shopping at Saks or for carrying back in trenches less than $10,000 to Russia.

John Solomon  30:33  

Yeah, it's old fashioned graft, right? They just want one of their consultants because you're, you know, you're working for them as a consultant while you're also working for the FBI. The FBI knows what you're doing. But this is old fashioned [?]. They just want to walk around money when they were all in town to have a good time and it's coming out of your wallet with the FBI knowledge. In the book, we tell this harrowing story. When you go deliver the briefcase of cash, the FBI helps you set up the briefcase and then they put a little camera in there so they can film the bad guys [?] the head of Tenem, Tenex, the main Russian in America. What was it like knowing you were gonna walk into the room? And if they discovered that FBI camera, you could have been in a world of trouble, right? You could have been in danger.

Doug Campbell  31:15  

Yes, they were. They were serious people to deal with. And they had operatives here in the United States that were not to be taken lightly, let alone the individuals that I encountered when I was working undercover overseas in various countries and regions. So yes, I had to be very careful in interacting and in dealing with them. And it troubled me greatly that they were conducting these kinds of operations, breaking US law and at the same time signing United States contracts, energy contracts for billions of dollars.

John Solomon  32:03  

That's the amazing thing. And when your story first came out, there was a, despite your heroism despite your public service, despite the fact that the FBI thought your work was so valuable that the at the end of your tenure, they took the extraordinary action of giving you a $50,000 bonus check, which by the way, they almost never do. I mean, that's an incredible expression of the gratitude that the Bureau had for your work. There were people at the time in 2017, when Sarah Carter and I first broke your story, then you went on Hannity and you said, you know what, there's no evidence, no evidence that we meaning the Obama administration knew about this stuff. When we approved it, we were in the dark. There was no reason that we knew that to block these transactions. We now have found out in our book that that was plain old fashioned a lie, because we found a document that shows in August 2010, two months before uranium one is approved several months before a lot of the bigger, larger uranium fuel contracts are signed by the Obama administration for the utilities, that there were a briefing across the top echelons of the governor, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Energy Department, State Department, all the intel agencies and most likely the President based on what you were told. And they were told, hey, this company, you're dealing with Rosatom, and it's Tenex, Tenem are engaged in criminality on US soil. So for all those people who attacked you in 2017, the truth is now out there, we have a declassified document. And it shows that not only were you informing the FBI, but the FBI informed everyone in the government who were making these decisions, what you had found, and that's now fact is no longer in doubt. What was it like when you heard Democrats and Clinton supporters and other people attacking you when you knew the truth? You knew that the FBI had told the President had told the government... was it frustrating?

Doug Campbell  33:55  

It was, it was very discouraging. It hurt because of everything that I was aware of because of the fact that my FBI handlers had commended me multiple times for my work. They told me on various occasions from the undercover probe, that it had been briefed directly to FBI, Robert Mueller, FBI Director Robert Mueller. And on two occasions, those agents were particularly excited, claiming to me that my undercover work had been briefed directly to President Obama is part of his daily presidential brief.

John Solomon  34:41  

Wow. So you knew the truth and you took your licks anyways, and you stood by it. I think the great part about it is the documents we uncover in the book Fallout that we've gotten from FOIA and other things, they not only validate your story, they completely confirm every single fact that you told at the time. Now I want to go through, there's one other attack that I know let's deal with that. And then I want to go back and help people understand all the different things that you saw the Russians doing all the visibility that the Obama administration had, because it wasn't just bribery and corruption, a lot of things we're going to get to but first, there was another falsehood told about you. And it was told by the Justice Department to Congress, and then it was used by the Democrats as a weapon and that is, there was nothing in the FBI files of your work that indicated that while you were working at Rosatom, that one, the Tenem people had anything to do with uranium one, and two, that you ever raised any concerns of corruption about the Clintons and uranium one, we now know that the Clintons were getting millions of dollars of donations, committed to their foundation and Bill Clinton got a $500,000 speech fee, all from people that had an interest or affiliation with the nuclear industry or specifically the uranium one deal, but the claim was in 2017, when you went public with us then went on Hannity that well, Doug Campbell didn't see any of that. And we were gonna call bunk on that because, Seamus and I have gone through all the FBI files on this case and it is irrefutable. So let me walk you through a couple moments in September, October. There's you and another American by the name of [?], actually, I think he was South African but in America, you get a request from the head of tenant body maker and the guy that's ultimately indicted for all this corruption. And they asked you to help on uranium one. Can you describe the fact that you as the FBI informant, operative you actually asked to assist the Russians in trying to get the uranium one deal and the FBI knew that in real time?

Doug Campbell  36:37  

I was and it was very clear to the agents. I reported it in my briefs to the agents. And it was a clear, very clearly understood liability that was happening in front of all of us. And yet, the leadership was doing nothing. We were hearing that from the Russians, when they were drinking large amounts of alcohol they were bragging about the Clintons and the Clinton influence. I reported this to the Bureau agents that made a special trip from Little Rock Arkansas to visit me and talk to me about those circumstances. It was very, very clear, but the Clintons, Eric Holder, Robert Mueller, for me out there on the prairie by myself. I got that was the home team. I believe that I'm until I saw [?] pass the uranium one situation it it just it's knocked my socks off that this could even happen possibly happen with all of the impropriety, the breaking of US law. There was so much that contradicted the policies that the United States government allowed to be established. And the large contracts billions and contracts. It just, it just discouraged me greatly. And I asked myself what in the hell is going on? And I challenged the agents and again, they wrote it off the political influence.

John Solomon  38:32  

Yeah, yeah, there's no doubt. So you not only had briefings with the FBI, you had emails with the tasking order, saying Doug Campbell, go help [?] the arm that's getting the uranium one as a member, as a consultant, Tenem and Rosatom, go see if you can help them get this through and defeat the opposition because there were some Republicans at the time long before the clinton angle came out that were concerned about this just purely on national security grounds. They couldn't understand why Obama would give away uranium business in uranium or under our soil to the Russians, so you have emails, you have briefings. Now you also gave the FBI according to the files, we've seen presentations and communications where a major donor, in town donor to the Clinton Foundation, a public relations firm in Washington that was helping the Russians at the same time. And you brief that to your FBI handlers to that, hey, there's this Washington public relations firm, big donor to the Clinton Foundation. People inside the Russian company are bragging that this is their juice with the Clintons. You told that to the FBI in real time too, right?

Doug Campbell  39:39  

I explained it clearly to the FBI. The fact that the same head of the Russian energy company, Alexei Gregoria [?] signed my papers and my contracts, also signed the contracts for the public relations firm that was channeling funds to the Clintons... I just couldn't believe it. But the Russians came to me and they assured me not to worry that they wanted to continue with the extortion with the money laundering with the violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act without being detected, because things are going so smoothly, and that hiring this other firm would put them over the top as far as the Clintons were concerned.

John Solomon  40:45  

Right. So another false attack in the media on you the news media, Michael Isikoff, I think was one of the writers, the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein, who, by the way, was a US attorney that worked your case before he became Deputy Attorney General, and the Democrats in the House. All of them attacked you and that information we show in the book because we have the FBI files, we have your briefing memos, we have the documents you gave the agents. All of those allegations against you are demonstrably false. When you look back now, and you realize you had members of Congress that could have gotten the same evidence we got, but didn't. You had Rod Rosenstein, who could have quickly looked in the file and confirmed well, Doug did tell us these things. How frustrating it is to see your own government the government you served as an undercover agent... undercover operative I'm sorry. How frustrating is it to know that even people who had access to the information chose to give a false story back in 2017?

Doug Campbell  41:43  

My paperwork was signed by Rod Rosenstein and Andrew Weissman. It all of this was happening... They had overseen they were fully aware of the extortion of the contracts which I even questioned now the validity of because the contracts are being signed these large billion dollar, US energy contracts with delivery from Russia were being signed at the same time that these same people that were signing these contracts, were breaking United States law. How could that happen? How could it happen? And it troubled me greatly. And I really believe in my heart that each man, each one of these men, from the President, all the way down to Robert Mueller, to Eric Holder, to Weissman, to Rosenstein these men turned their back on our country because they believed that they genuinely believed that Secretary Clinton would be elected.

John Solomon  42:56  

Wow, that's a very powerful statement. So you're undercover there's not any doubt by the end by in the file and in your testimony and everything... everyone we've talked to by 2010. They knew that the Russians were involved in substantial criminal activity and they wait four years until after the Russian reboot has failed to bring anyone to justice. They don't start prosecuting people until 2014. But you remain undercover. They've already got the the bribery, kickback extortion case nailed by this fall of 2010. Because you've got the recordings, the pictures of the suitcase. So you start to do other things. And one of the really harrowing things that we learned from the files in your informant, you know, your undercover file is that you saw evidence and provided evidence to the FBI that the Russians were helping the Iran and Tehran with their illicit nuclear program at the same time that Barak Obama was marching toward making a deal with Iran. So Obama wants to lift the sanctions and restore some normalcy to the ties of Iran if they will agree to stop making a nuclear weapon. And while that's going on, you're providing the FBI evidence that there's complicity of the Russians helping the nuclear capabilities of Iran, particularly one facility in Bashir, we had very specific intelligence, I think you actually got the identity of the company that was moving the items, the uranium to the Iranians. What was that like? And how interested was the FBI? The FBI seemed to be very concerned that Russia and Iran, at least in these files, had an illicit relationship going on beneath the sanctions. Did the FBI seem to engage on that be concerned about it?

Doug Campbell  44:38  

They were highly, highly concerned about it. And the information that I provided, the documentation that I provided from the International Atomic Energy Agency, which the Russians always had way ahead of the United States, the Russians were plugged into IAEA incredibly well. IAEA would tip them off as far as improprieties, things like that. And they would confer with with my scale and limit the amount of exposure as far as the lack of cooperation that Iran was giving as far as the development of their nuclear facilities. It contradicted everything that was going on. And as my undercover work continued, the FBI became increasingly more interested in Russia's nuclear assistance to Iran. They had... the Russian specifically had told me years prior, never to mention how close Russia is to Iran, how much they supply Iran, how much technology they provide to Iran, how many services they provide to Iran. The Russians were very, very strict with me about making any statements about the connection between Moscow and Tehran. Well, of course, I was reporting it all at the same time, unbeknownst to Moscow, but they were very concerned. The Russians were about this being exposed because they felt it would limit their ability to infiltrate the United States energy market. And that inability would be prompted by their exposure regarding their their close relationship with Iran.

John Solomon  46:48  

When they when they ultimately bring criminal cases against about the maker of the top Russian in America who was involved in kickbacks, extortion, bribery, money laundering. It's divulged, but you knew in 2008-09 already, that one of the American trucking companies responsible for shipping uranium. So this is a very sensitive job, right? If any uranium escapes the American trucking supply line, we could have an international crisis, that the Russians had compromised that company by getting into a kickback bribery scheme with them. So these are some of the many things that the FBI came to understand. were wrong with the Russians. They were doing lots of things. This was a very corrupt behavior that was going on in US soil at the same time that the Obama administration is rewarding all of these folks. At some point in 2012, the FBI comes to you and they want to lure Vladimir Putin to America and then just talk a little bit if you got a minute here. We got about five minutes left in the show. What the what the idea was the Kentucky Colonel idea for for Vladimir Putin?

Doug Campbell  47:53  

Well, yes, Mr. Solomon, if you don't mind before we leave the Iranian situation, the situation was so tense that the FBI counterintelligence agents came to me and asked me to submit a series of questions to the Russian leadership. I formulated those questions, they're a matter of record. And I resisted at first because the questions were the kind of questions that too obvious, right. But it made it very obvious that I was a red flag. And it also, it also pretty much signed my death warrant. They, the Russians immediately backed away, terminated, I started getting threats. And it was a foolish move on the United States government's part. But the point I want to make is they knew about all of the Russian impropriety with Iran. They knew about all of the Iranian impropriety and they knew about the deception coming out of Iran regarding its development of nuclear materials, yet the administration went on and ship plane loads of cash to these people who are enemies of our state who lie, who I've witnessed and reported a lot of deception from Iran and Obama, the Obama administration ignored it.

John Solomon  49:43  

Yeah, that's really the underlying jaw dropping conclusion that we came to in our book as well. And also one other thing, we had a potential Broken Arrow arrow scenario, right. If that nuclear company in the United States that was compromised by the Russians, if any of that uranium escaped, we would have had a real national security disaster, right. That was a concern about the trucking company correctly that once corrupted, anything could happen with the uranium.

Doug Campbell  50:11  

These men were shipping high grade, they were shipping material, radioactive materials, a single teacup... they were breaking us wall, they were shipping radioactive materials, a single teacup of which could shut down Wall Street or Washington. And all of this was reported, all of this is a matter of record with the United States government.

John Solomon  50:37  

There's no doubt about it, folks, if you don't believe this, you can go to the back 100 pages of the book Fallout in every sentence of every chapter about Doug Campbell and his work has a document that you can actually go see and look at. Everything that Campbell is saying is documented inside the FBI files that we got access to. We've got a couple of minutes left and so the Clinton era is gone. The Obama era is gone. But there's one leftover from that era that's now running for President, Joe Biden. And we write in the book, thanks to your good work. We learned about this, that he had an energy advisor when the Russia reboot failed, one of the biggest foreign policy failures of the last 50 years. And it failed, because after Putin got everything he wanted out of the Obama administration, he invaded Crimea, the rage in Ukraine, and that kind of put us in a new Cold War posture. So Putin pulls the rug out from under Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton. And now there's a new guy that shows up in the scene. Joe Biden's in Ukraine trying to prop up Ukraine. He's trying to get a natural gas system built for Ukraine. So they're not reliant on Russians. His son cashes in on that system by getting a job, Hunter Biden does at Burisma. But there's an energy advisor to Joe Biden by the name of Amos Hochstein, he starts giving speeches and testimony before Congress appearances on television saying we can't let Vladimir Putin have an energy Monopoly because he uses energy as a geopolitical weapon. That's what and that's a very sage message. That's what you were telling the FBI in 08-09. He's out there in 14, 15, 16 making this very compelling case. And I think most Democrats and Republicans would agree with him, except for one thing, all of us hearing that at the time didn't know one thing about [?] team. He had been working for the Russians for Rosatom, for Tenem, Tenex, helping them get that hopeful  monopoly on uranium as a consultant in America back in 06, 07, 08, 09. Talk about what you learned about Amos Hochstein, who may very well be at the side of of Biden, if he's elected President. What did you find out?

Doug Campbell  52:38  

Well, Hochstein and I began work in 2006 2007. I worked with him for several years. And a clear cut characteristic of Mr. Hochstein was knowing how to feed the Russians. We were trying to achieve Russian entry into the United States market, Hochstein in his own words knew and and strongly emphasized his ability to feed the Russians. "Feed" in quotation marks. I was quite taken aback by that and later the fact that he became a deputy to and was paid by Hillary Clinton in the State Department. It troubled me, troubled me greatly to see him after I parted ways with with Mr. Hochstein and moved down to further undercover work with Russian directly, Hochstein then moved into a place where he was able to promote and help the completion of uranium one and recipients decisions. I have no doubt.

John Solomon  54:00  

What's really interesting we as a result of the research we did in this book, we actually have the very contract that Amos Hochstein signed when he worked with Cassidy Associates. That's a Washington firm. We have the presentation he developed for the Russians saying, Here's how you can get a leg up in the American market. And all of that is now sitting out in plain view for people to research. If they'd like to then go to Just the News, they can go to Fallout and look at these documents. But so many of these characters at the time they were saying these things in 15, and 16, we didn't know what had gone on previously, all the efforts of the Russian said made to enlist Obama, Biden, Clinton people, some cases, pay them in some cases, reward them with gifts, while this Russian reboot was going on, so it wasn't only a foreign policy failure. It was a cash boon for many of the people around Clinton, Obama and Biden who were involved in the policy. So Doug, I could talk to you all day. Your story is unbelievable. You are a major character in our new book that Seamus and I wrote Fallout, on behalf of the American people on behalf of John Solomon Reports in the audience I have here thank you for your public service. And I hope we can bring you back soon to the show and talk more about this. We could literally talk for hours about all the amazing things that you did to help our country uncovered this terrible in justice. So thanks again. And we'll be back with you soon.

Doug Campbell  55:24  

Well, thank you, I love this country. And I, I'm thankful for the time that I was, was growing up, and I appreciate your taking time for me.

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