Ex-CIA Russia analyst: Biden trying to strangle Russian economy to ‘overthrow Putin’ is enormously unrealistic

President Joe Biden shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

George Beebe, former CIA Russia Analyst, discusses the possibility of nuclear warfare and how President Biden can deescalate the on-going tensions between the United States and Russia. Beebe reacts that the boiling point we are seeing right now between the countries hands been “decades in the making” and due to the cost-free view of NATO enlargements of former Soviet satellite states like the Baltic States and Ukraine. He also remarks, that the United States is entering into a period much different than the Cold War, which had limitations and rules, an understanding between nations that there is mutual assured destruction if nuclear weapons are used. The former Adviser comments that, now the United States, “entering into something that [he thinks] is much more dangerous, and that is a competition, more or less for survival with Russia, without any rules of the game.” Saying, the events over the last 60 days since the invasion, are examples of Russians “warnings, quite loudly, that they are willing to use everything they've got to defend their own country's existence.” Beebe remarks that Biden’s goal of strangling “the Russian economy so that it can't generate a threat toward us, and then perhaps the Russians wake up and they overthrow Putin in some way”, “has an enormous unreality to it”.

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