Ex-Intel official slams Biden over Patriot Act renewal while continuing to approve Chinese tech licenses

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Sept. 23

Former Chief of Staff for the Director of National Intelligence Dustin Carmack slams Biden administration mixed messaging on China after the administration called for the Patriot Act renewal due to the increasing China threat while continuing to approve ‘blacklisted’ Chinese companies tech licenses at record numbers. Carmack calls Biden’s China policy, ‘schizophrenic at times’. Saying that Chinese companies who are “blacklisted,” should not be finding loopholes in the federal government to be approved for tech licenses. Commenting there’s is a major disconnect, between the administration’s rhetoric and their actions, it shows you that, “maybe not for a malicious intent, but there's the bureaucratic malaise, or the institutions are not fundamentally and holistically tackling,” the China threat.

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