Ex-U.S. Attorney says DOJ piled as many charges possible on Trump but tip-toed around Hunter Biden

Hunter Biden with father Joe Biden

Bud Cummins, former U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas discusses the optics and behavior of the Department of Justice surrounding the recent charges against former President Donald Trump and compares the agency’s treatment of the former President and current presidential candidate to Hunter Biden’s criminal case. Cummins comments that the most recent charges are “well past the point, where this has become a massive exercise and abuse of prosecutorial discretion.” Explaining, that the mainstream media is missing the irony in reporting that Justice Department officials said they had “difficulty in prosecuting the son of a President, or a [former] sitting Vice President or someone who is a candidate for president, Joe Biden, and that was a reason why they couldn't be more aggressive in pursuing Hunter Biden.” He says that comparing the agency’s treatment of Donald Trump, “here you have an ex-President, who is running for president in the presidential season, and it is abundantly clear that they are are doing everything they can to load him up with as many charges to defend as they possibly can and it's well past the point of credibility.”

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