FBI Whistleblower to Comer on agency’s Biden coverup: ‘It’s a game of chicken, GOP cannot blink under any circumstances’

Jim Jordan, James Comer, Washington, D.C., June 22, 2022

FBI Whistleblower Kyle Seraphin speaks out on recent reports that the FBI sat by after they were given notice three years ago of allegations concerning Joe Biden’s involvement in a bribery scheme involving $5 million. Seraphin says, “even in the counterintelligence world, which is notoriously slow moving, relaxed, and easygoing, three years is a ridiculous amount of time” for this type of tip-off.  The former FBI agent says this proves who the FBI allegiance is to, and why recent actions take by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer is necessary. Referring to a recent episode between Chairman Comer and FBI Director Chris Wray, after the Director declined to handover documents pertaining to the Biden family. Saying, the FBI’s actions are “obviously very concerning because they’ve taken a partisan line, they are abandoning analytical rigor.” Seraphin says, that [the FBI] would even “try to make Congress blink, shows this is an ongoing power struggle that the American people are watching in real time. It's a game of chicken, the GOP cannot blink under any circumstances, they need to press forward with it. And then we'll probably see the FBI will circle the wagons around the Director in the same way that we saw the DOJ refused to go after Eric Holder when he was hit with contempt charges. This is not a new playbook but it should be something that concerns people of all parties. This really isn't partisan, this is about sort of a constitutional crisis in” America right now.

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