FEC fines Clinton campaign and DNC, only time Hillary has been held ‘accountable’, says lawyer

Dan Backer, President and General Counsel for the Coolidge-Reagan Foundation, discusses the filing of the original complaint that led to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Clinton campaign having to pay fines to the Federal Election Committee for concealing payments that they used to fund the Christopher Steele Dossier. The counselor reacts that it is rare these days to get any action or penalties from the Federal Election Commission, that finally there is a “semblance of accountability, and probably the first fine that the Clintons are ever actually paying”. Backer goes on to say that this goes beyond political “dirty tricks” that this is “actual Russian collusion”, that the DNC and Clinton campaign “colluded with the Russian government, and they did it knowingly, and they hid it from the public.”