Fmr. Amb. Hoekstra: 'Nobody in Washington has credibility on spending right now'


Former Ambassador Pete Hoekstra explains how Republicans in the House can return to fiscal conservatism.  He says they need to "take the tough votes and demonstrate how they're going to get there," since "we cannot sustain a $30 trillion debt that is bigger than the American economy and that's driving in inflation."  He also discusses the misdeeds of the intelligence community which "is being used to target Americans and to censor American speech" and suppress stories about COVID origins, despite the fact that the intelligence community and "people like Fauci knew about it."  Facebook whistleblower Cassandra Spencer discusses her work in uncovering social media censorship of conservatives and the Twitter files revelations that the federal government was "strong-arming the tech companies to come to the conclusions that they wanted them to find, even if the evidence didn't support that."  She hopes for further investigations, saying that with the Twitter files, "we're just scratching the surface.  We need the Facebook files and we need the Google files."

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