Fmr. Reagan/Bush official: Biden ‘so out of tune, he’s singing from a completely different script than American people’

Joe Biden

Robert ‘Bobby’ Charles, former Reagan appointee and Bush administration official, discusses President Biden’s latest speech given on Capitol Hill just 6 days before midterm elections where he “identified Republicans as enemies of the people, enemies of the state, and a threat to democracy.” Biden speech comes on the heels of recent polling which shows Americans are primarily concerned with high inflation and rampant crime. Charles responds that President’s speech last night “was a disgrace,” and “disgusting,” saying, “that a president of the United States has never historically come out and essentially tried to delegitimize the totality of their opposition, and that's exactly what [Biden] did last night.” Charles comments that it is “really so out of tune, that it's like singing from a completely different script from where the American people are.” He goes on to say that, “the irony is that everything that [Biden] quoted as political philosophy really defends the Republican frame of mind, because this country was really founded on individual liberties, and ultimately equality of opportunity for everyone, and that's what the Republican Party stands for. That's why the Hispanic population is moving this way, the black population is moving Republican. When you go state by state, you can see that the abandonment of responsibility as leadership by this one party rule, this Democrat-rule, has really infuriated average Americans.”

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