Former Top State official, Putin did what Biden couldn’t- unite Europe against Russia 

World leaders at G7 summit, UK.

Dr. Kiron Skinner discusses Ukraine-Russian crisis, diplomacy, and the threat of nuclear war coming out of Eastern Europe. The former State Department Advisor comments, that in the last week the Western World and Europe have had the realization that there is “the potential for nuclear catastrophe, including an escalation to the use of nuclear weapons.” Saying that nuclear catastrophe alone makes “this is not a civil conflict”, but a “global conflict, and the eyes of the world are on it.” Commenting that, “if anyone was in doubt about the serious nature of this conflict, yesterday cleared up that concern”. Skinner says that, “in real time, the map of Europe is being rewritten.”, but that there is a silver lining, that “Europe is finally waking up, and it took, a conflict like this with a dictator, Vladimir Putin, to bring Europe together and to bring the West together”. Saying, “the transatlantic world are finding out that there's a lot of responsibility associated with freedom, a lot of responsibility with the West, and a lot of accountability.”

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