Fred Fleitz: Debate showed growing GOP divide over Biden plan to provide Ukraine cash, weapons for ‘as long as it takes’

GOP debate

Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to Trump‘s National Security Council discusses the death of Wagner Leader Prigozhin and the growing divide within the Republican Party over the continued support for Ukraine in the on-going conflict. Fleitz says the recent GOP Presidential Debate in Milwaukee last week showed the growing divided amongst the party as to the role the United States should be playing in the Ukraine-Russia conflict, and highlighted that Republicans are moving away from the “peace through strength versus libertarian,” and becoming more “neo-con versus traditional conservatives versus America First conservatives.” Commenting that everyone feels “for the people of Ukraine, want them to win, and want to throw Russia out of the country.” But that he believes, during the debate, that “[Vivek] Ramaswamy was mostly correct, when he said, ‘our priority should be defending our border, and that we have to find a way to end the conflict’. Fleitz comments that President Biden has no plan nor definition of what success would look like for the United States in this conflict. Saying, “Biden’s plan is to keep shoveling money and weapons to Ukraine as long as it takes.”

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