Gingrich: Polls show GOP ‘tsunami from coast to coast,’ blue safe seats now up for grabs in Connecticut, Oregon


Newt Gingrich discusses polling just 21 days out from the November midterm elections. The former Speaker of the House comments what he is seeing is the “building of a real tsunami, because it goes from coast to coast. It goes from Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, all the way across to Washington State, Nevada, Arizona.” Saying, “you’re seeing race after race where the Republicans are gaining ground, or are actually pulling ahead and moving out. Candidates like Blumenthal, for example, in Connecticut, who people thought was totally safe, is now in a very, very close five point race and getting narrower.” Gingrich talks about another safe seat, the governor of Connecticut who has been unexpectedly behind in the polls recently “bleeding by 49 to 44, and two policemen were killed last week in Connecticut and the police would not allow the Governor to speak at the memorial, because they're so angry at him about a bill he passed during the Black Lives Matter riots, which was pro-criminal and anti-police. And so, these dynamics are building everywhere.” The former Speaker says another example of the undercurrent issues is one week ago when two people in New York “were shot in front of gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin's home, while his two teenage daughters were studying inside, and that totally dominated the television news in New York for three days. Zeldin went from a slightly behind to basically even with the incumbent Governor, almost overnight, and so you just see these things happening all around the country.”

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