Gun Rights Group says McConnell, Romney to blame for Biden gun control executive order

Joe Biden, Mitch McConnell, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2016

Gun Owners of America President Erich Pratt discusses President Biden signing an executive order this week to address gun violence in America and why Senate Republicans aren’t blameless here. Pratt comments that, “Biden is the villain here because he's slashing our second amendments. But so our senators John Cornyn and Mitch McConnell, because they pushed the legislation last year that Biden is now using to implement the executive order. So yeah, certain Republicans share part of the blame, as well.” Pratt also says that the order faces many legal challenges as “Biden is circumventing Congress in going beyond, even though he is basing it on what Congress has done. And this is the thing where we need to hold these legislators accountable. And I'm talking about people like Senator John Cornyn of Texas, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Mitt Romney, of Utah. We warned them that what they were supporting could result in backdoor universal background checks. They ignored us and guess what, we were right. Because now what Biden is trying to do is try to get as close as possible to making every transfer of a gun require a background check.” Pratt says that's the ugly face of gun control. It punishes the law abiding, while failing to keep bad guys from getting guns.”

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