Inside Story on Durham Indictment and Dr. Carol Swain on America’s Leftward Drift

John Durham

A deep-dive into the inside story you have not heard about the Durham Indictment! And Dr. Carol Swain, gives her take on Tuesday’s election results, which saw many upsets in previously thought safe-seats throughout the country. Dr. Swain crediting the Virginia and New Jersey election results to ‘the American people’ being ‘far more united in their values and principles than their political leadership’ and ‘that the American people are unhappy with how far a nation has drifted towards the left’. She cites many examples over the last year, under the Biden Administration, that she says have concerned many American citizens, such as, ‘vaccine mandates’, ‘elections’ and ‘American’s being stranded in Kabul’, commenting that many ‘scarcely recognize America today’.

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