Kash Patel’s top investigations picks for new GOP-led Congress: FBI-DOJ, Fauci, impeachments, Jan 6

Mark Zuckerberg, Chuck Grassley, Washington, D.C., April 10, 2018

Kash Patel talks post-midterm review and gives his top picks for priority investigations that the newly elected GOP Congress should take up in the new term. Patel comments that the, “FBI and DOJ has to be number one, the two tier system of justice that these radical left-Democrats, and their government gangsters have created, be it from Russia-gate, to January 6, to impeachments, what we're seeing now in the political prosecution of people who stood up for America first priorities, or what happened with the January 6 detainees, all of these unequal systems of justice have to be stopped.” Explaining that FBI whistleblowers are coming out in droves, “telling us that the FBI is lying to the American public and to Congress, falsely labeling people domestic violent extremists, removing field agents from child sex crimes, so they can prosecute and kidnap and take down child sex offenders. Instead, they are giving these case statistics falsely to the Washington bureau head office and Chris Wray, so they can go to Congress and lie, which I believe he did. Got to start there. We got to go to Fauci, that's a must, the guy lied to America and to the world about China virus.”

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