Louisiana AG takes aim at Big Tech censorship, collusion with federal agencies

Big Tech: An illustration picture taken in London on December 18, 2020 shows the logos of Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Microsoft displayed on a mobile phone and a laptop screen.

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry discusses his lawsuit against Big Tech over social media censorship, taking aim at its collusion with federal agencies during the pandemic. Big Tech has maintained that they are private actors and have a right to censor information that they deem to be against their companines guidelines. The Attorney General says that while they are private actors, the “government cannot collude with a private citizen to violate,” first amendment rights. Saying that after filing the lawsuits, he believes that he has found evidence that, "the government colluded with and encouraged the Big Tech platforms to be able to censor information that was vitally necessary for to the American people during the pandemic.” Commenting, "when the government engages in censorship," utilizing a private company, then that company "becomes a government actor."

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