The mainstream media’s infatuation with Obama ruined neutral journalism says Author-Journalist Rindsberg

Obama Biden

Ashley Rindsberg, author of the ‘The Gray Lady Winked,’ discusses the mainstream media’s infatuation with Barack Obama leading to biased journalism, and his new op-ed on ‘Why Russiagate was the Media’s Vietnam.’ Saying, the media became the government’s favorite brethren, after the “Obama administration becoming most of the the media's kind of wet dream, they have the perfect president, doing all the right things, and saying all the right things, and you want your team to win. And that sort of became that moment where things start to shift. And I think Trump then really solidified that, where [the media], as much as [Trump] talked about the media as the enemy of the people, the media saw [Trump]  as an enemy of the Republic. So that became the moment where it was no longer about reporting facts, it was an extension of politics, and the politics that were in place were as just an extension of this kind of warfare that's been going on in the United States.”

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