Michele Bachmann slams Biden for handing WHO-China, Americans’ data, constitutional rights through world digital passports

The World Health Organization in Geneva

Former presidential candidate Michele Bachmann discusses recent agreements by the Biden administration that would erode constitutional rights of freedom of travel and government intervention, through the World Health Organization’s world digital passports effort, which was approved by 80 European Nations, this past week. The former Minnesota Congresswoman warns, “to anyone listening to this podcast, the action items are to contact your US senators, contact your house member tell them they have to wake up and tell them they've got to demand of the Biden administration that the United States not go in the system. Surely the Biden administration intends exactly that, that will be in it. But we have to demand of our representatives, that they demand of the Biden administration that we don't go ahead because what will happen is we will lose our constitutional rights and our bill of rights protections, we will lose the right to travel, just that alone is guaranteed in the Constitution. And that is gone under this global digital passport. You can't make a move without it in the future and it's Communist China that calls the shot.” Saying, and “Communist China, by the way, will be the the nation that controls the data that's in the digital passport, it will be housed in communist China.”

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