Miranda Devine: Ukraine is Biden’s ‘Achilles heel’ after revelations of quid pro quo in firing prosecutor Viktor Shokin

Joe Biden with his son Hunter

Miranda Devine gives the lowdown on Hunter Biden, the Biden family business dealings, and discusses how evidence of ‘quid pro quo’ in the firing of Ukrainian Prosecutor Viktor Shokin, who was the prosecutor in Ukraine investigating Burisma, a company that has been tied to Hunter Biden. Devine says that, while there are bits of evidence that point to President Biden’s involvement with his son’s foreign business dealings and partners, it can be ‘surmised by the sort of go soft attitude of the Biden administration.” Saying, “I don't know if they'll be able to find some specific, you know, quid pro quo.” “Joe Biden was very careful whenever he spoke to anybody from Hunter Biden sort of overseas business partners, that he kept the conversation on a high level, so it always had plausible deniability kept it vague.” Though the investigative journalist predicts that, Ukraine, is Joe Biden’s “Achilles heel,” “the firing of Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor [in Ukraine]. Joe Biden, in his trademark way, comes straight out and says this upfront on a video conversation, ‘I got this prosecutor fired, I threatened the Ukrainians, I'm going to withhold a billion dollars in aid unless you fire him.”

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