Former Senator Kelly Loeffler lays out new roadmap for GOP conservative movement to keep pace with Dems in 2024

Kelly Loeffler, former United States Senator for Georgia, discusses her new organization ‘Greater Georgia,’ and their ‘new data-driven’ roadmap that she says will help the Republican-conservative movement keep pace with Democrats in the battleground state in 2024. The Chairwoman of ‘Great Georgia’ comments, the organization has three things it has set out to do, “first of all, register voters, this is something as conservatives we have to get back to, we can't yield voter registration to the left. But registration is necessary and not sufficient. So from there, you have to engage voters, reach out to diverse communities, we did that, also underrepresented communities like women and our young voters. And then the third one was, defend election integrity, because we know what Democrats want to do. We've seen their election bills, they want to nationalize elections and destroy faith in our elections. So that's what we spent the last two years doing.”