Newt Gingrich: Hunter Biden ‘small fish’ compared to corruption of his father, Clinton, Obama


Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich discusses Congress opening up an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden and compares the ‘small fish’ corruption of Hunter Biden, to the much larger scale of Joe Biden, Hilary Clinton, and Barack Obama. Saying that, “any investigation has to go way beyond Hunter Biden, who by the standards of corruption, is a small fish. Hillary's corruption, think of the comparison of Chicago and Delaware, you understand the scale of Hillary versus Biden, and remember, all this is occurring while Obama is president, none of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It's just not possible. And so what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger, who wants to be corrupt, and at the same time, using the government to launch attacks on Donald Trump, because they're so frightened of it.” Gingrich says that he expects to discover from the inquiry “that there's an entire system of corruption, lawlessness, and weaponization that is far beyond Joe Biden.”

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